Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Playtesting Wargames Research Group 4th Edition Ancient Rules 1980

Andy Macmaster has very kindly allowed me to download some images from his trip to the Wargames Holiday Centre from 1980 where amongst other games he play tested the WRG 6th edition ancient rules. Peter Gilder was a very active member of the Society of Ancients then and was crowned wargames champion twice by the society. 
The small units look lost on the terrain but that was the nature of the ancient rules back then.

WRG ancient rules virtually had a monopoly in the ancient wargames period and was one of the reasons I started using the title Independent Wargames Group as a sort of anti establishment thing. Naivety ruled sadly.  



  1. Ahh nostalgia! Great pics.

    Are you sure about the edition and/or the date? I had the 4th edition in college in the 70's and my copy of the 6th edition was published August 1980. (although I already been gifted a copy by then )

    1. I must admit when Andy said 4th edition even I was confused. I will amend the edition. Thanks.

  2. Great post Robbie, thank you (and Andy). I never succumbed to these WRG rules, only coming along for DBA later, but super to see the old style wargaming and fashions. "Independent" is not naive - no one owns our hobby so let's continuously do our own thing when we want to and shamelessly crib from those who choose to charge us for their ideas.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the pics. The rest are here

    I think people are right. Probably 5th or 6th Edition playtest. It was a long time ago!


  4. Recently I rediscovered the photographs from my trip to Peter Gilder's WHC, from the early 80s I think and in colour. I even have the negatives (note to self to control hoarding habit) if you're interested. Unfortunately none contain either myself (behind the camera before the selfie-era) or Peter.

  5. I think it would have been around 1976 that I started playing 5th edition because I joined our local wargaming club after seeing a public demonstration of the Battle of Guildford Courthouse (using Bruce Quarrie's Airfix Napoleonic Wargames) as a Bicentenniary event. I walked into the club to see two people having a heated argument over a table pitting Alexandrian Macedonians against Classical Indians. I have very fond memories of my brother's "Ancient British Panzer Division" . . .

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