Saturday, 2 February 2019

Figures from Miniature Wargames 29.

 The late Peter Gilder was a master sculptor and painter but also had an ability to get some of the best painters in the UK to paint figures for him. These included Mark Allen, Tony Runkee, Mark Moon, Phil Robinson, Dave Thomas and many others. He also seemed to be able to obtain beautiful painted wargames figures from other collectors.
 One of these was John Blanche who in the early 1980's was the best painter [my opinion] Citadel Miniatures and later Games Workshop possessed.When Gilder and Duncan Macfarlane started Miniature Wargames all the early images were of the famous Peter Gilder units from his Wargames Holiday Centre painted by his group of willing painters.
 Somehow he obtained some units from John Blanche which appeared in issue 29 of Miniature Wargames. This week by serendipitous means I was able to spot and buy some causality markers from E Bay that were from Peter Gilder's collection. Now rebased I am the very proud owner of some of the figures that appeared in issue 29.
 The flag now carried by this rider was thrown in by the seller and now carried by a lovely painted Lamming conversion.The intricate skill is there for all to see.I have based them individually to use as various eye candy for my renaissance armies.


  1. What incredible luck! They are beautiful pieces. Terribly envious here, and it's not even my period, but still.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes, I do feel very lucky and humbled at the same time.

  2. Replies
    1. They are. Its difficult to actually find new words to describe them.

  3. Gorgeous. Not you! The figures 😜🤪

    1. Ill never be gorgeous. More a Dixon than a Minden figure Im afraid.

  4. Superb, impressive heralry/colors....

  5. A bunch of worthy additions - well done!

  6. Oh Robbie you have no idea how envious and happy for you...and envious...I am. What a great score and you are a gentlemen for putting the figures up again for us to all enjoy once again. Have I mentioned that I'm feeling just a week bit envious...
